Joe Deweese is a Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science at Lipscomb University and Deacon at Walnut St. Church of Christ in Dickson, TN.
Synopsis: In today’s society, Christians are faced with tremendous pressure to conform to this world. Supposedly, science has replaced our need for God. Without God, many are selfishly seeking to please their own desires rather than serving others. In this series, we will take on some of these ideas and expose them to the Light of God’s Truth and provide encouragement for those who are seeking to be transformed rather than conformed!
4:00 pm Saturday session 1: Are science and faith really in conflict?
6:00 pm Saturday session 2: How do we seek and promote purity in an impure world?
9:30 am Sunday Bible class: What is a biblical worldview? (and why does it matter?)
10:30 am Sunday sermon: How do we help our youth develop a transforming faith?
Contact us: 1055 Gold Hill Road; Fort Mill, SC, 29707; 803.548.7762