Quick update on our online congregational member directory. The new directory has been a slight source of frustration for some members, so we’ve taken some steps to help with that.
First, just to clarify the biggest change that happened from the old directory to the new directory. On the old site we had just one user name and password that anyone could use for access, but now, each member needs to establish their own account on the site with their own password in order to access it. This was in an effort to protect our families’ personal information.
The good news is that once you establish it and log-in from your computer or device, you can set it to “remember” you so you won’t have to type it all in every time if you don’t want to. The trouble seems to have come in on the initial setup process and situations where the username or password have been forgotten.
To help with that, we have created a “How To” page complete with instructions and screenshots here at https://churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/how-to-log-in-to-member-directory/. On that page you can click on any of the 3 topics and they will “expand” to display the detailed instructions.
Once you get the hang of it, it really is an easy, yet secure way to access contact information of fellow members here at Gold Hill. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this change may have created, and are hopeful that the “how to” page will help. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email, and we will direct it to the right person/people to help you out.
Here is the address again for the “how to” page: https://churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/how-to-log-in-to-member-directory/