(803) 548-7762

How to Post Sermon Videos to the Website

Written summary instructions are provided below this video


  1. Go to : www.churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/wp-admin
  2. Log in
  3. Hover over “posts” and then click on “add new”
  4. Type the title in the title space using the following format:  Month, Day, Year Sermon – “Sermon Title”.  Note: You will receive the title name of the sermon typically from Jake Hunter or another audio/video person within the congregation
  5. Copy the video URL from Jake’s email (or another audio/video person in the congregation) and paste it into the body section of the post page. Note:  The preachers will occasionally send sermon notes.  If you copy and paste, it is best to right click in the body section and select “paste as plain text”
  6. Put your cursor at the end of the video, press enter and place your cursor below the video in the body section and type the title of the sermon in quotation marks. Note: Highlight the title and click on the drop down menu with “Paragraph” on top of the text box, then choose “Heading 2” to make the font larger. Then, click the “Center Align” button.
  7. Type or paste any text that is to accompany the sermon below the title.
  8. Change the format (right hand column) to “video”
  9. Scroll down to the “Categories” section, and check “News and Info” and “Sermons”
  10. Press “preview” to take a look at the post prior to publishing it
  11. When satisfied with the post, press “publish”

How to Post Sermon Videos to the Website

Written summary instructions are provided below this video


  1. Go to : www.churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/wp-admin
  2. Log in
  3. Hover over “posts” and then click on “add new”
  4. Type the title in the title space using the following format:  Month, Day, Year Sermon – “Sermon Title”.  Note: You will receive the title name of the sermon typically from Jake Hunter or another audio/video person within the congregation
  5. Copy the video URL from Jake’s email (or another audio/video person in the congregation) and paste it into the body section of the post page. Note:  The preachers will occasionally send sermon notes.  If you copy and paste, it is best to right click in the body section and select “paste as plain text”
  6. Put your cursor at the end of the video, press enter and place your cursor below the video in the body section and type the title of the sermon in quotation marks. Note: Highlight the title and click on the drop down menu with “Paragraph” on top of the text box, then choose “Heading 2” to make the font larger. Then, click the “Center Align” button.
  7. Type or paste any text that is to accompany the sermon below the title.
  8. Change the format (right hand column) to “video”
  9. Scroll down to the “Categories” section, and check “News and Info” and “Sermons”
  10. Press “preview” to take a look at the post prior to publishing it
  11. When satisfied with the post, press “publish”

How to Approve Member Directory Users

Written summary instructions are provided below this video


  1. Go to : www.churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/wp-admin
  2. Log in
  3. Hover over “Users” and then click on “All Users”
  4. Click on “Not Active” button between subscriber and not exported button
  5. Pick out members that you recognized and then hit the checkbox beside them
  6. Click on the drop down where it says “Bulk Actions” and then click on “Activate” and hit “Apply” button beside it.
  7. If you want to activate a member one at a time, click again the “Not Active” button, and then you can do this by hovering over a member and click “Activate” button below the username
  8. If you want to delete a member one at a time, click on “Delete” button, just hover over a member and you can see it there below the username
  9. You can also delete multiple members by hitting checkbox beside
  10. At the top click the drop down where it says “Bulk Actions” and then click on the “Delete” button and hit “Apply” button
  11. After that you will see “Confirm Deletion” button, hit it and you’re good

Step By Step Bulletin Posting



It is advisable to open the church’s website and click on the most recent bulletin and keep that open, because we can just copy some parts of it to make things easier. Then open a new tab and start following the directions below.

1. Log in to churchofchristatgoldhillroad.org/wp-admin

– Credentials will be given to you

2. Look at the left side of the Dashboard (Dashboard=page after logging in), and click “Posts”.

3. Click “Add New”

4. Click on “Use The Divi Builder” button

5. Click “Load from Library”

6. Click “Add From Library”, and choose to Load “BulletinTempFinal”

7. We need to change some settings first before we edit the post itself.

– Put in the title. NOTE: If you have a tab open of the previous bulletin post as suggested, you can just copy the title of that bulletin post, paste it on the title bar, and just change the date to the present bulletin post’s date.

– Change the Page Layout (check Right side box Divi Post Settings). Click the “Right Side Bar” drop down, and choose “Full Width”

– Go down and look for the box for “Categories”. Click the “Bulletin” box.

– Go down and find the “Featured Image” box, click “Set Featured Image”, and find the Image that we use for all bulletin posts. The file name of the image from the library is “Post_Image”.

– Move down below the main post box, and you will see the “Excerpt” box. NOTE: If you have a tab open for the main page of the website, please scroll down the bulletin section, and copy the excerpt below the bulletin post thumbnail and post title, “Click the link below for the whole bulletin.” …Do not include “Read More”.

– When everything is set, we can now edit the Bulletin contents.

I. Commentary Module

1. Open the Publisher file you were given for this week’s Bulletin

2. Click on the “Commentary” Module (to edit the module, click on the 3 lines on the left side)

3. Once you open the module, you’ll see 2 tabs, the “Visual” and “Text” tabs.

– “Visual” tab is pretty much how it will look like in the post. When you copy something, and paste it on the visual tab, it will almost always copy the formatting of what you copied (spacing, bullets, etc.)

– “Text” tab is where the HTML codes are put to change the formatting of the contents of the module (size, links, etc)

4. Change this week’s bulletin title and change the date.

– Make sure you are on the Visual tab.
– Since we want to keep the format of the date and title of the commentary (size), we’ll work in line with the old date and title.
– Place your cursor at the end of the date
– Press backspace on your keyboard until you reach the front of the line
– Then type the new date
– Do the same with the title

5. Scroll down below the title to see the commentary body

– Copy the body of the commentary from the publisher file
– Highlight the old text on the “Visual” tab (starting below the title), delete it, place cursor below the title again, then paste.
– Adjust other text if needed (right align the name below, etc.), but it’s pretty much okay.

6. Click “Save and Exit”

NOTE: You’ll do pretty much the same to all modules, except “Contact Index”, “Schedule of Services”, and the “Titles” (Youth Title, Prayer Title, etc). On “Stats and Deacons” module, we only change the number of attendees and amount.

II. Stats and Deacons (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Change number of attendees and amount
– Save and Exit

III. Family News (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything below the title
– Delete them
– Copy (from publisher file) and Paste the new Family News
– Save and Exit

IV. Prayers Body (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything on the text box
– Delete everything
– Copy the new “Prayers” section content from publisher file
– Paste on the text box
– You can underline the names (like in the publisher file), by highlighting the name, and pressing “CTRL+U”
– Save and Exit

V. Prayers Body 2 and Sympathy (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything on the text box ***UNLESS THERE’S TEXT UNDER SYMPATHY in the PUBLISHER FILE (there are times when there’s nothing for this section)***
– If there is text under “Sympathy”, just highlight from the top, till before the “Sympathy” title in the box.
– Delete everything
– Copy the new “Prayers” section content from publisher file
– Paste on the text box
– You can underline the names (like in the publisher file), by highlighting the name, and pressing “CTRL+U”
– If you need to put anything under “Sympathy”, highlight the text below, delete, and then paste the new “Sympathy” contents.
– Save and Exit

VI. Prayer Shut-ins (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything on the text box
– Delete everything
– Copy the new “Prayers and Shut-ins” section content from publisher file
– Paste on the text box
– You can underline the names (like in the publisher file), by highlighting the name, and pressing “CTRL+U”
– Save and Exit

VII. Sermons and Classes Body (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything on the text box
– Delete everything
– Copy the new “Sermons and Classes” section content from publisher file
– Paste on the text box
– Highlight again, and click “Center Align”.
– Adjust copied over spaces to align the text
– Save and Exit

VIII. Today’s Date and Next Week’s Date (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module/s
– Change the date/s to the appropriate dates for this week and the next week
– Save and exit

IX. This Week’s Helpers (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module/s
– Highlight everything on the text box
– If you left a tab open for the most recent (last week) bulletin post as suggested, you can go to the bulletin post’s page, scroll down to the helpers’ section and highlight the helpers under “Next week” (last week bulletin’s “Next Week” helpers, are now “This Week’s helpers), copy them
– Go back to the “This Week’s Helpers” module, and paste it in the text box
– Save and exit

X. Next Week’s Helpers (Text Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module/s
– Highlight everything on the text box
– Delete everything
– I like to keep a Word Document that contains the helpers’ position and names.
– Then I just copy the names of this bulletin’s next week’s helpers, type them opposite their positions one at a time (since the publisher’s formatting makes it hard for you to copy and paste them)
– When I have changed the names, I copy everything

– Go back to the “Next Week’s Helpers” module
– Click on the “Text” tab (to avoid errors)
– Paste next week’s helpers there
– Save and exit

XI. Youth Body (Visual Tab)

– Click the 3 lines on the left side of the bar to open module
– Highlight everything on the text box
– Delete everything
– Copy the new “Youth” section content from publisher file
– Paste on the text box
– Save and Exit

When you are done, you can check your work before publishing it by clicking “Preview”. Once you are satisfied with how it looks like in the preview, you can now click “Publish” to make your post go Online.

That’s all for Bulletin posting. If you need any help, just let us know, and we’ll be more than glad to assist you.

How To Post to the Online Calendar