The Bible – Our Only Guide
We believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired Word of God and our only authority
(2 Timothy 3:16-17; Colossians 3:17).
Teaching the word of God is an important part of our services. You will observe that the Bible is the textbook to which reference is repeatedly made in our sermons and classes. Special emphasis is placed on the New Testament (Romans 1:16). You will never be asked to simply accept what someone says about the Bible; we want you to read the Bible for yourself to see “whether these things are so” (Acts 17:11).
The Bible is our only guide and source of authority for everything we do. We strive to do nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else than what the Bible says.
Salvation in Christ
At the conclusion of every service, you will hear obedience to the will of Christ emphasized as necessary to salvation. The Bible teaches us that we are saved by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-10). This includes: faith in Christ as taught in the gospel (Romans 10:17); repentance from sin (Luke 24:47); confession of faith in Christ (Romans 10:9-10); and baptism (immersion in water) for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1Peter 3:21; Romans 6:3-5). If anyone responds to this message, you will see them immersed in water where they will be raised to live a new spiritual life in Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-4).
By obeying the gospel plan of salvation we have forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit, membership in the church of Christ, and are made heirs to the blessings found in Jesus Christ. These acts of obedience make us a Christian.
Church of Christ
“I speak concerning Christ and the Church”
Ephesians 5:32
The Church of Christ was established in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2). This church has a distinctive founder, builder, head, body, mission, plan of salvation, membership, worship, name, doctrine, and work (Isaiah 28:16; Ephesians 2:20; Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 4:4; Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38; Acts 2:47; John 4:24; Acts 11:26; Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 15:58). The Church of Christ is the church of the New Testament.
We seek to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
The organization of the church consists of Christ as head (Ephesians 1:22-23); elders (Hebrews 13:17); deacons (1 Timothy 3:8-13); and evangelists who preach the word of God publicly and privately.
The Church of Christ pleads for a return to New Testament Christianity. We strive to “speak where the Bible speaks and keep silent where it is silent, calling Bible things by Bible names and doing Bible things in Bible ways. “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).