Worship & Classes
Sunday Bible Study:
Classes 9:30am – 10:15am
Sunday Morning Service:
10:30 AM, Main Auditorium
Sunday Evening Service:
6:00 PM, Main Auditorium
Wednesday Bible Study Classes
7:00PM to 8:00PM
Quarterly Topic Classes
3rd Quarter Classes 2019
Sunday Adult Auditorium
Brett Pharr
The Domino Effect
Sunday Downstairs Class
Gilbert Shelton & Jeff Willis
Wednesday Adult Auditorium:
Mark Inness
Letters to Timothy and Titus
Adult Downstairs:
Steve Miller
Wednesday Auditorium Class
Sunday Auditorium Class
In Library
With Jake Hunter
Downstairs Adult Bible Class
Sunday & Wednesday
With Brett Pharr
”Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
– 2 Timothy 2:15
Education is important at Gold Hill Road. We offer classes twice per week. Sundays at 9:30 am, and Wednesday Bible study at 7 pm. Classes are offered for the youngest (Infants) all the way through adults. Curriculum has been hand selected by the elders.
The following is a generalization of the curriculum we offer by age/grade:
Cradle Roll and 1 Year Olds
There is an emphasis on singing, sharing, smiling, and storytelling.
Two Year Olds through Preschool
- 2’s & 3’s
- 4’s
- 5’s & Kindergarten
Adds a dimension of hands on lessons and basic bible stories.
Early and middle elementary
- 1st & 2nd Grades
- 3rd & 4th Grades
Incorporates more in-depth lessons, application, memory work, and knowing the books of the Bible. In upper elementary, the focus is on “What is God’s plan of salvation”, Biblical truths, deeper discussions regarding peer pressure, and sanctification.
Middle school and high school
- 5th & 6th Grades
- 7th & 8th Grades
- High School
Students are given heavy doses of Bible knowledge. All teachers are approved by the eldership, and teachers are elders, deacons, ministers, or knowledgeable members of the body of Christ at Gold Hill Road. An emphasis is made on leadership, dealing with life challenges, and solid study in the Bible. There are special classes taught periodically for both middle and high school that are gender based. Parents of students in these special classes are encouraged to either lead or attend.
Classes for college ages and young adults are also offered. The eldership feels it is important for likeminded young adults to interact and build bonds.
There are generally two adult classes offered on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. The auditorium class and the downstairs adult class offer a choice of topics. Themed studies occur in all adult classes in each quarter. There are also smaller group adult classes geared toward specific topics.